Ursus americanus are extremely powerful omnivores which strike fear in the hearts of any outdoor enthusiast who has encountered one. These ultimate predators are true survivors - adaptable and intelligent and possess the strength to take down a bison. The black bear, for the very fact that they possess the power to kill a human, warrant the full respect of those who spend time … [Read more...]
Tips for booking an Ontario Parks campsite
Updated: May 2018. Five tips (plus one) for booking an Ontario Parks campsite Have you booked your camping trip yet? I know, I know…. Winter still seems to have an icy grip on the province. But that means it is exactly the time to start planning your camping trips. This isn’t news to a lot of campers who have a lot of experience venturing into Ontario parks. Over at Sometimes … [Read more...]
Getting started with Snowshoeing
Introduction to Snowshoeing So it's winter in Ontario, snowsqualls and school closures for the last four days. You want to get out and enjoy nature but how. The answer is snowshoes. With a good set of snowshoes you can head off through the forest and fields regardless of the amount of snow. Snowshoeing is easy to learn, relatively safe and … [Read more...]
Trekking with Toboggans
By Jim Baird One of the ways I travel in winter is on foot, towing my gear on toboggans—it’s a lot easier than carrying your stuff on your back. Pick one up for $25 from a hardware store and save yourself the headache of all your stuff falling off the sled by doing an easy modification: drill or cut about five holes along each side of your toboggan to run ropes through. … [Read more...]
Eating like a pro in the backcountry
Food tips for winter camping Back in the nineties I was on a portage in Algonquin Park heading from Mouse Lake to Erables Lake. It’s a triple threat portage, not huge but a lot of packing and unpacking of the canoes which meant slow progress. For inspiration our food guru Tony told us he knew a great campsite for us to relax and enjoy tonights dinner. Beef Stroganoff. Beef … [Read more...]