What are the rules for a spot becoming available if the party who has reserved it doesn’t show up? We’ve noticed occasionally that a site shows up as reserved online but there is no one occupying it, sometimes for more than 24 hours.
I thinks they usually hold them until the following morning – thete is a breakdown on the parks booking website
I understand that you can also call Ontario Parks to advise that you will be arriving on a later date, provided you have paid for your site.
Sometimes I’ve experienced where we would show up hoping for a site to find theyre all booked, then we were advised to come back after two oclock to see if anyone has cancelled or left before their expected departure date.
Each sites would have different rules I believe. But sometimes you can get rwally lucky, but long weekends havent been much luck for us hahah
Sometimes I’ve experienced where we would show up hoping for a site to find theyre all booked, then we were advised to come back after two oclock to see if anyone has cancelled or left before their expected departure date.
Each sites would have different rules I believe. But sometimes you can get really lucky, but long weekends havent been much luck for us hahah